
Parking Rules are strictly enforced. The Board of Directors has towing authority.

  • There is no on street parking

  • Guest parking is for guests only.

In order to clarify policies, the Board of Directors of Whittington Townhome has passed a resolution on Guest Parking, as well as a resolution on Parking and Towing. All owners and residents should be familiar with both of these documents.

2019 Board Resolution on Parking Rules

No Owner or Occupant shall park on the Association Property, including, but not limited to, streets, landscaped areas, or grassy areas. Notwithstanding the above, Owners and Occupants shall be permitted to use the Driveway annexed to their Townhome or any numbered parking spaces that may be assigned to said Townhome

Limited parking by Owners and Occupants in other designated areas or parking spaces, including, but not limited to, spaces marked “Visitor” or “Pool,” may also be permitted as set forth elsewhere in this Resolution;

There shall be no Overnight Parking by Owners or Occupants of a Townhome in spaces marked “Visitor” or “Pool,” or any other spaces marked as such by signage or other means, except with written permission by the Board of Directors;

Commercial Vehicles are prohibited from being parked on the Association Property, unless in an area as may be designated by the Board as a parking area for particular types of vehicles. Notwithstanding the above:

  1. Commercial Vehicles shall be allowed temporarily on the Association Property during normal business hours for the purpose of serving a Townhome or the Association Property; provided, that, without the written consent of the Board, no such vehicle shall be authorized to remain on the Association Property overnight or for any purpose except serving a Townhome or the Association Property.

  2. Trucks with a load capacity of one (1) ton or less and full-size vans (including mini-vans or utility vehicles used as passenger vehicles) may be parked in the Driveway or numbered parking space annexed or assigned to said Townhome despite the fact that said truck or full-size van would otherwise constitute a Commercial Vehicle.

During the pool season and while the pool is open, spaces marked “Pool” are reserved for those Persons using the pool. When the pool is closed during the pool season, and during the off-season, spaces marked “Pool” may be used as marked. There shall be no Overnight Parking by Owners or Occupants of a Townhome in spaces marked “Visitor” or “Pool,” or any other spaces marked as such by signage or other means, except with written permission by the Board of Directors.

It shall be the responsibility of the Owner and/or Occupant to inform any Visitor of that Owner or Occupant of the parking policies of the Association.

Parking Violations

Should an Owner, Occupant, or Visitor fail to follow the proper procedures outlined herein, the Board of Directors shall have the right to enforce said rules in order to properly and safely administer the Association Property as permitted by the Governing Documents, including but not limited to, towing or booting of the violating vehicle.

The following procedure shall apply:

  • Before any violating vehicle is towed or booted, the Board may send a notice to the vehicle owner or user, or place a notice on the vehicle, stating: (a) the nature of the violation; (b) the name and telephone number of a person to contact regarding the violation; (c) the name and telephone number of the person or entity that will do the towing or booting; and (d) that the vehicle may be towed or booted after twenty-four (24) hours.

  • If twenty-four (24) hours after such notice is placed on the vehicle, or three (3) days after the notice has been sent to the owner, the violation continues or thereafter occurs again within six (6) months of such notice, the vehicle may be towed or booted in accordance with the notice, without further notice to the vehicle owner or user.

  • If a vehicle is parked in a fire lane, is blocking another vehicle or access to another owner's or occupant's Townhome, is obstructing the flow of traffic, or otherwise creates a hazardous condition, no notice shall be required and the vehicle may be towed immediately.

  • The Board of Directors shall cause a notice to be conspicuously placed on Association Property stating the following: (a) unauthorized vehicles shall be towed at the expense of the owner of the vehicle, (b) the location where the vehicle may be recovered, including the name and telephone number of the person or entity which will do the towing, (c) the costs of recovery, and (d)information as to the form of payment.

Relevant Definitions

As used in this Resolution, the following terms shall have the meaning

  • “Commercial Vehicle” shall mean a vehicle used primarily for commercial purposes or containing visible evidence of commercial use (such as tool boxes or tool racks), or vehicles with commercial writings on their exteriors;

  • “Occupant” is any person who is neither an Owner nor a Visitor;

  • “Overnight Parking” shall mean parking any time between the hours of 7:00 PM and 6:00 AM the following morning;

  • “Owner” shall mean a record owner on the deed to a Townhome;

  • “Visitor” shall mean any person who is staying at a Townhome within the Whittington community temporarily for a period of time not exceeding seven (7) days within any successive thirty (30) day period.